Posts tagged ‘Adam Hamze’

ORANGE Music Roundup: Best Albums of 2014

Here it is: the collaboration piece to end all collaboration pieces. Would we really be legitimate music writers if we didn’t join the myriads of other publications offering their two cents on the best albums of 2014? These albums run the gamut from powerful stadium rock to brooding hip-hop, so don’t be afraid to give each one a spin when the right mood strikes. Hopefully you’ll share in our delight.

ORANGE Music Roundup: Favorite Music Videos

Remember when MTV actually stood for “Music Television”? No? Well, the ORANGE Music staff does, and we’re still bitter about the change. At a ripe average age of just 20, we might be dating ourselves this week, but we consider these music videos game-changers in a field that is rapidly becoming a dying art.

Music Staff Selects: Best Movie Soundtracks

A proper movie-watching experience goes far beyond the visual appeal. A good soundtrack heightens the viewer’s enjoyment and understanding of the film, articulating the emotional impact of a scene when words might fail. Our favorite soundtracks do just that. They elevate their respective movies from mere entertainment to true art.

Music Staff Selects: Best Music Collaborations

Not all great things go well together. Think peanut butter and Sriracha. But sometimes two things blend so beautifully that it’s nearly impossible to remember life before the combination. Musical collaborations are no different, and we’ve compiled a list of artist fusions that are so seamlessly brilliant, they outshine the individuals. They’re the peanut butter and chocolate of collaborations, if you will.

“Time is Illmatic” – The Story of a Hip-hop Legend

In times of crisis, people cling to the things they love in order to survive. Having a passion is like having a heartbeat — it can be the difference between life and death. When Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones, more commonly known as Nas, first picked up an instrument at age 4, it was the beginning of a musical career that would reshape the face of hip-hop.

Music Staff Selects: What is Your Most “Austin” Moment?

This is an enchanted place. No, I don’t mean really cool or fun or eclectic – it’s literally enchanted. Things happen here that don’t happen in the real world. Each member of the ORANGE Music Staff has experienced that pivotal moment that changed their lives forever. It’s a blessing and a curse, really. No matter how mind-bogglingly awesome our celebrity run-ins or community festival experiences may have been, we are now forever spoiled, fully aware of the depressing fact that no other city will ever match the serendipitous beauty of Austin.

Welcome to the Show: The Best Small Venues in Austin

From punk to hip-hop, Austin has something for every type of music fan on any given night. Where the show takes place is almost as important as the performance itself. A venue’s ambiance can make or break a live music experience. The ORANGE Music Staff encourages all live music enthusiasts to find the venue that best resonates with them.