Posts tagged ‘Adam Hamze’

Protecting a Culture: Nritya Sangam

Children of immigrants are torn between two worlds, constantly seeking a middle ground to call home. They face the challenge of learning to fit in with their environment, while simultaneously upholding the culture of their ancestors. For the women of Nritya Sangam, the only traditional Indian dance troupe at the University of Texas at Austin, every day is a celebration of the past they refuse to let die.

ORANGE Has Got You Covered: Our Favorite Song Renditions

Cover songs: one of the trickiest balancing acts in music. Artists face the tremendous pressure of putting their own stamp on a time-honored classic, while still paying homage to the original. Add extreme skepticism from purists to the mix, and it seems like a no-win situation for musicians simply trying to wear their influences on their sleeves. Still, against all odds, these artists’ renditions manage to not just make the cut, but even surpass the original versions in the eyes of the ORANGE music staff.